Knowledge, practices, and prescription of sun protection in the medical community of Mendoza, Argentina


  • Lis Valenzuela Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina
  • María Agustina Abaca Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Lucía Domínguez Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Pilar de Sautu Riestra Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Cinthia López Kot Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Sofía André Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Marcia Alasino Hospital Central, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Ana Vannetti Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Rocío Muñiz Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Ariel Samper Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina



photoprotection, physicians, education


Background: photoprotection prevents skin damage caused by solar radiation, which can lead to skin cancer. In the province of Mendoza, Argentina, where solar exposure is high due to its geographical location and climate, promoting photoprotection in medical practice is especially important. In our environment, we observe that physicians lack undergraduate training on this topic and do not prescribe sunscreens or dedicate consultation time to educate their patients.

Objectives: to evaluate the level of knowledge, habits, and prescription guidelines for photoprotection among all physicians in Mendoza. And to propose education and awareness-raising actions among the medical population of Mendoza.

Design: observational, retrospective, cross-sectional, and analytical study.

Materials and methods: an online questionnaire was formulated and shared through social networks (WhatsApp and Instagram) to gather demographic data, personal habits regarding photoprotection, and knowledge about photoprotection education (safe sun exposure times, sunscreen reapplication, etc.) Out of 7797 physicians, 433 participated in the study. Statistical analysis utilized mean and standard deviation, absolute and relative frequencies. A p < 0.05 was statistically significant. Student's T-test and chi-square test were employed.

Results: only 43.6% of physicians used sunscreen daily, and 41.8% did not apply it correctly. Furthermore, 57.8% did not receive specific training on sun protection during their medical education. Only 45% of physicians frequently recommended sunscreen use to their patients.

Conclusions: the studied population has basic knowledge of photoprotection measures, and half have not received academic training on the subject during their university education. There is a lack of appropriate habits and a low level of recommendation in medical practice. Therefore, it is necessary to reinforce this topic in medical education and formulate new prevention policies.

Author Biographies

Lis Valenzuela, Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

4th year Resident Doctor of Dermatology, Dermatology Service

María Agustina Abaca, Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

Chief Resident of Dermatology, Dermatology Service

Lucía Domínguez, Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

3rd year Resident Doctor of Dermatology, Dermatology Service

Pilar de Sautu Riestra, Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

2nd year Resident Doctor of Dermatology, Dermatology Service

Cinthia López Kot, Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology, Dermatology Service

Sofía André, Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology, Dermatology Service

Marcia Alasino, Hospital Central, Mendoza, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology, Dermatology Service

Ana Vannetti, Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology, Dermatology Service

Rocío Muñiz, Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology, Dermatology Service

Ariel Samper, Central Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

Physician Specialist in Dermatology, Head of the Dermatology Service, Dermatology Service


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