Psoriasis: comorbidities in our community
Introduction. Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated infl ammatory disease that aff ects skin, nails, and joints. Its incidence varies from 2 to 4 percent. Advances in knowledge have led us to understand its systemic infl ammatory feature. Various studies demonstrated an increased association with some comorbidities such as insulin resistance, obesity, blood hypertension, and dyslipidemias, as well as a higher incidence of neoplasias and autoimmune diseases.
Objective. To analyze if the described comorbidities are present in our Hospital patients.
Materials and methods. We retrospectically reviewed clinical records of 120 patients followed at the Psoriasis Section of Hospital Churruca, taking into account gender, age, evolution time, personal and family history, previous treatments, and laboratory tests.
Results. Out of 120 patients, there were 44 females and 76 males, with ages ranging from 6 to 87 years (mean: 46.5 years). Of these, 54.5 percent of females and 48.6 percent of males had arthralgias. With regard to laboratory tests, 71 patients had some type of carbohydrate metabolism alteration, of whom only 12 patients had history of diabetes. In 92 patients there was at least one type of lipid metabolism alteration (increased total cholesterol: 56 patients; reduced HDL: 58 patients; increased LDL: 45 patients; increased triglycerides: 40 patients), and 12 patients had alterations of all lipid fraction tests.
Conclusions. An integrated approach of the psoriasis patient is essential; thus the dermatologist must know the potential comorbidities in order to enable an early detection and eventual referral to a specialist for adequate treatment
(Dermatol Argent 2009; 15(5):340-343).
Key words: psoriasis, comorbidities, metabolic syndrome.
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