Broad-band pulsed UVB and topical tacrolimus treatment for localized vitiligo -our experience.


  • Alexia Díaz Mathé
  • Virginia Mariana González
  • Verónica Llorca
  • Kamelia Losada
  • Paula Luna
  • María Eugenia Abad
  • Margarita Larralde


Background: Present vitiligo therapies require many months of treatment and often result in disappointing outcomes. Several therapies, such as PUVA (psoralen plus UVA) and narrow-band UVB have been used with satisfactory results. Recently, 308-nm excimer laser has been used to treat localized vitiligo with good results. Evidence suggests that broad-band pulsed UVB should have similar biological effects to the latter.
Material and methods: A prospective, descriptive and observational study of 15 patients was performed. 12 had generalized vitiligo, 2 localized vitiligo, and 1 segmental vitiligo. All of them had been previously treated with topical tacrolimus with poor results. Treatment with topical tacrolimus twice a day and broad-band pulsed UVB twice a week during 30 sesions was initiated.
Results: All patients revealed different levels of repigmentation: 12 patients achieved over 75% repigmentation, 2 patients between 50 and 75%, and one patient showed no repigmentation (patient with segmental vitiligo).
Conclusion: The combination of topical tacrolimus and broad-band pulsed UVB is a good alternative for the treatment of vitiligo

(Dermatol. Argent., 2011, 17(2):134-139).

Keywords: broad-band pulsed UVB, tacrolimus, vitiligo.






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