Epidemiological study of cutaneous lesions in healthy newborns at L. C. Lagomaggiore Hospital, Mendoza
neonatal dermatosis, birthmarks, epidemiological studyAbstract
Background: the skin of the newborn has different functional and structural characteristics than that of the adult. It plays a significant role in temperature regulation, water balance, and barrier against infections. Cutaneous lesions in neonates are frequent and varied.
Objectives: to determine the prevalence of skin lesions in newborns at the L.C. Lagomaggiore Hospital in Mendoza, Argentina; to establish factors that influence the appearance of these lesions; to correlate the results with existing literature.
Design: descriptive, prospective, observational, cross-sectional epidemiological study.
Materials and methods: 160 healthy newborns were evaluated within the first 30 days of life. This study included newly born who were admitted to the joint ward on the first maternity floor, consultations made to the Dermatology Service, and patients from the Neonatal Dermatology follow-up at L.C. Lagomaggiore Hospital, during the period from February to August 2023.
Results: a total of 160 patients were registered. The 52% were females and 48% were males. Of all the newborns (n=160), 95.63% (n=153) presented some form of cutaneous lesion. The five most prevalent entities were: mongolian spot (40.52%; n=62), sebaceous hyperplasia (36.6%; n=56), transient vascular malformation (33.9%; n=52), erythema toxicum neonatorum (30.7%; n=47), and hypertrichosis (23.5%; n=36). The group of benign and transient changes was the most frequent (68.6%). Within this group (n=105), the most frequently found lesion was sebaceous hyperplasia in 53.33% (n=56). Significant association was found between gestational age and desquamation (38-40 weeks p=0.035 and greater than 40 weeks p=0.0008).
Conclusions: benign skin lesions were present in most neonates. It is essential to recognize cutaneous alterations in newborns to avoid incorrect diagnoses, request of complementary exams, and unnecessary treatments.
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