The hairstyle that hypnotized her


  • Sergio Gabriel Carbia University of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Verónica Malah University of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina




His grandmother's consecration was one thing. One thing that was two things. The tales of her and her hairstyle.

  A big crescent-shaped bun that ran down the back of her neck, like a smile, Lily thought, because it reached from ear to ear and was wrapped in a net so fine and transparent that no one could see, but Lily could, because she He knew how to search for it patiently until he discovered it shining for an instant on the edge of some backlight.

  For Lily, this hairstyle that hypnotized her was inextricably linked to the stories, or the stories to the hairstyle, it was all the same to her, but without a doubt therein resided her grandmother's magical gift of transforming everything into a story.

Author Biographies

Sergio Gabriel Carbia, University of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Director of the Course of Specialists in Dermatology

Verónica Malah, University of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina



I. Fernández Moreno I. La otra mentira. En: Historias pasadas. Antología de cuentos hispanoamericanos. 1.ª ed. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Alfaguara; 2005:15-35.





The Skin in the Letters