Current argentine legislation on infectious diseases and prevention of antimicrobial resistance


  • Roberto Glorio University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Sergio Carbia University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina



legislation on infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance


Argentine legislation on infectious diseases varied over time according to the context of each moment, from the Antivenereal Prophylaxis Law (Law 12331/36), the AIDS Law (Law 23798/90) until reaching the recent Law for Comprehensive Response to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Viral Hepatitis (B and/or C), Other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Tuberculosis (TB) (Law 27675/22), published in the Official Gazette on 7/18/2022, which raises some novel aspects when addressing a comprehensive response to the most prevalent communicable diseases in Argentina, including HIV, hepatitis B or C, STIs, and TBC.

Author Biographies

Roberto Glorio, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dermatologist and Medical Examiner. PhD from UBA. Regular Adjunct Professor, Director, Legal Medicine Specialist Career. Deputy Director, Dermatology Specialist Career. Forensic Physician of the National Justice

Sergio Carbia, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dermatologist. Head of the Dermatology Service, José María Penna General Acute Hospital. Director, Dermatology Specialist Course


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