Epidemiological comparison of cutaneous melanomas diagnosed in two periods in Hospital Universitario Austral
melanoma, epidemiology, diagnosisAbstract
Background: an epidemiological comparison was made between patients diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma (CM) at Hospital Universitario Austral (HUA) in two time periods.
Objectives: to know the epidemiological profile of the patients in our hospital, compare these characteristics in both populations and if there are differences at the time of diagnosis.
Materials and methods: CM that were diagnosed during period A (2000-2008) and period B (2009-2021) were evaluated. Both were compared in terms of the following variables: sex, age, melanoma location, histological subtype, tumor thickness, and ulceration.
Results: 578 CM diagnosed by dermatologists at our center were included. A slight male predominance was observed in both groups (56.5% in period A vs. 55.7% in period B). The average age at diagnosis was 51.42 +/- 1.77 years and 54.54 +/- 0.78 years, respectively. The most frequent location was on the trunk (44.4% vs. 46.6%, respectively). Superficial extensive melanoma was the most frequent subtype (62.8% vs. 64.4%, respectively). The median tumor thickness at diagnosis was 0.65 mm in period A and 0.90 mm in period B. In period A 15% of the CMs presented ulceration, while in period B it was 9%. No significant differences were observed.
Conclusions: we did not find differences between the two periods, as we would have expected given the greater diffusion of skin cancer prevention campaigns and the more widespread use of diagnostic tools.
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