To my teacher


  • Olga Forero Dermatology Division, "Francisco Javier Muñiz" Infectious Diseases Hospital, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina





I have been invited to write the editorial in honor of Professor Dr. Graciela Pizzariello, my teacher. It is not an easy task, since I want to rise to the occasion and express, through this text, what she meant to me and, mainly, to others.
 I will only be able to describe my story, which still shows its essence. I am sure that when her disciples read these words, they will be able to remember her with the melancholic smile that I am writing as I write them.
The story with the "Doctor" coincides with my arrival in Argentina, a long time ago. But to leave only time as the protagonist would be an excess. Several situations created a strong bond of mandates, which I carry to this day. There were points in common: we would arrive very early at the hospital and we would meet in corridors still in darkness, accompanying these moments with plenty of coffee. We both had a passion for complex pathologies. Thus, the Autoimmune Ampullullary Pathology Clinic was born, which is growing more and more every day, as a clear demonstration of her legacy.

Author Biography

Olga Forero, Dermatology Division, "Francisco Javier Muñiz" Infectious Diseases Hospital, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina


