Dimethyl fumarate. A therapeutic alternative in psoriasis


  • David Aldo De Luca Private practice, Bad Neustadt a.d. Saale, Bavaria, Germany




dimethyl fumarate, fumaric acid esters, psoriasis


Fumaric acid esters have been empirically used for decades for the management of moderate to severe psoriasis that requires systemic treatment. Both its immunomodulatory effect and its low rate of serious adverse effects make it attractive as a therapeutic option in patients who do not respond to other treatments or who have certain contraindications to the usual therapies. A bibliographic update on dimethyl fumarate in the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis is presented, highlighting its mechanism of action, its dosage, its unwanted effects and the studies that support its use in psoriasis.

Author Biography

David Aldo De Luca, Private practice, Bad Neustadt a.d. Saale, Bavaria, Germany

Dermatology Specialist, M.Sc. Molecular Biology


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