Amelanotic/hypomelanotic melanoma
amelanotic/hypomelanotic melanomaAbstract
The amelanotic/hypomelanotic melanoma is the one characterized by having a null pigment on a clinic or dermoscopic basis. It may occur in any clinic variety of melanoma. Because of its unusual characteristics, its diagnosis can take longer than expected, which entails a worse prognosis. It is found as a tumor with a taint appearance, erythematous plaque papule/nodule with scarce or null pigment, mostly found in people older than 50. In histopathology, there are no remarkable findings which allow to differentiate an hypomelanotic from any other melanoma, reason why the term should be referred to describe a clinic/dermoscopic characteristic from a determined case. Its hypomelanotic nature does not change its therapeutic behavior, which should be adjusted to the recommendations of any other melanoma, according to the stadium. We show three patients with this variety.
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