Hair disabilities


  • Sergio Gabriel Casas University of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Roberto Glorio University of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina


capillary, handicaps


Haruki Murakami (Japan, 1949). A widely distributed writer and translator, he is considered one of today's most important authors. His style is heavily influenced by Western culture, especially American, and therefore more alien to classical Japanese traditions. A versatile character, after closing his own jazz club, he began running marathons at the age of 33, as he recounts in his book What I'm Talking About When I Talk About Running (2007).

Author Biographies

Sergio Gabriel Casas, University of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Associate Professor of Dermatology

Roberto Glorio, University of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Adjunct Professor of Dermatology


I. Murakami H. Adicto a los caramelos de limón. En: Murakami H. Crónica del pájaro que da cuerda al mundo. 1.ª ed. arg. Maxi Tusquets, 2009; 96-97.





The Skin in the Letters