Palmoplantarmelanocytic nevi: dermoscopic and histopathological correlation
Introduction. A nevus is defi ned as a circumscribed malformation of the teguments, which may be dysembryoplastic or hereditary, temporary or permanent. Nevi are important given their well-known causal relationship with melanoma, a percentage of which results from preexisting melanocytic nevi. Therefore, it is important to distinguish nevi at risk of undergoing change. Dermoscopy is a non-invasive technique, particularly useful to distinguish pigmented melanocytic lesions, which may be nevi or melanomas, from pigmented non-melanocytic lesions. Palmoplantar skin exhibits special dermoscopic features producing peculiar images.
Objectives. To describe acral dermoscopic patterns, their frequency, and dermoscopic and histopathologic correlation of palmoplantar nevi, and to assess dermoscopic agreement between the researcher and an independent observer.
Material and Methods. Observational, prospective, cross-sectional and analytical study of patients with clinical diagnosis of palmoplantar melanocytic nevi. The study was conducted at Hospital Privado, Córdoba, from May 2006 through April 2007. Studied variables included age, gender, personal history, skin phototype, location, and dermoscopic and histologic patterns. All patients were observed by the researcher and by an independent observer; dermoscopy and surgery were performed on all nevi.
Results. Eighty three acral melanocytic nevi were detected in 74 skin phototype II patients. Mean age of patients was 32 years. Most frequent dermoscopic pattern was parallel furrow pattern, and most frequent was the compound histologic pattern. Dermoscopic agreement, calculated with Kappa values, was excellent.
Conclusion. The dermoscopic patterns found in our study is consistent with the reviewed literature
(Dermatol Argent 2009; 15(6):420-427).
Key words: nevi of the palms and soles, dermoscopy, histopathology.
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