Prevalence of celiac disease in patients with psoriasis
gliadin, anti-transglutaminase, prevalence, celiac disease, psoriasisAbstract
23Prevalencia de la enfermedad celíaca en los pacientes con psoriasisCeliac disease (CD) is a systemic disease that affects genetically predisposed individuals who develop an autoimmune response to the intake of foods containing gluten. Psoriasis is a chronic and systemic inflammatory disease, of multifactorial origin, with an important immunological component. Several studies have found an association between CD and psoriasis. In view of the difficulties presented by the diagnosis of CD and the complications of an untreated disease, it is necessary to identify risk groups that allow the early recognition of this pathology. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of CD in patients with psoriasis in our setting. We included 200 patients diagnosed with psoriasis; they were serologically screened for CD, which included the dosage of anti- transglutaminase antibodies IgA (aTG IgA) and anti-gliadin IgG (aDPG IgG) anti-peptide antibodies. All patients who presented at least one positive serological marker were submitted to a upper digestive endoscopy (UDE) with multiple biopsies of the second duodenal portion. A prevalence of CD of 2% was obtained in our population of patients with psoriasis, higher than that founded in the general and pediatric population in Argentina.
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