Factors associated with the development of disability due to leprosy in the province of Chaco 2009-2019
leprosy, Hansen’ disease, Mycobacterium leprae, Mycobacterium lepromatosis, disability, ChacoAbstract
Introduction: leprosy is a chronic infectious and contagious disease caused, in most cases, by the Mycobacterium Leprae bacillus, and by Mycobacterium lepromatosis as a second casual agent, which predominantly affects the skin, peripheral nerves and, sometimes, internal organs. Of the new 10.813 cases detected in 2019, 5,3% was with grade 2 disability. Although the rate of prevalence in Argentina and in the province of Chaco is lower than 1/100.000 inhabitants, the disability detected among new cases of leprosy, estimated between 10 and 40%, is an object of concern.
Objectives: to describe the disabilities and the associated factors caused by leprosy in all the cases reported in the province of Chaco from 2009 to 2019 in order to identify risk groups and to implement more effective healthcare policies to overcome this problem.
Materials and methods: transversal, correlational and retrospective cohort study. A survey of patients detected in the province of Chaco (Argentina) over the course of 11 years was carried out (2009-2019). The statistical techniques used were descriptive and of verification of differences (mean, medium, rank, percentage, student’s t and chi-square tests).
Results: it could be observed that of a total of 377 patients having leprosy in the province of Chaco and who were admitted to the provincial program from the year 2009 to 2019, 175 (46,4%) had disability while 202 (53,6%) patients did not. Considering the patients with disability, 175 (46,4%), the risk factors with statistical relevance were the following: 65,14% of patients (p:0,006), were males; as regards clinical forms, 95,43% of patients (p=0,0001) had multibaciliary forms; 41,95% (p=0,001) had borderline leprocy and 51,72% of the patients had a lepromatous form of the disease; 46,24% of the patients had reactive episodes with disability with a statistically significant difference (p=0.0002).
Conclusions: the statistical significance of risk factors identified were: male sex, bacillary load, lepromatous form, and the occurrence of reactive episodes. The obtained information is relevant to introduce more efficient measures and for further research in the field.
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