Think of: nodular chondrodermatitis of the helix
Nodular basal cell carcinoma. Most frequent skin cancer, derived from the keratinocytes of the basal layer. The nodular subtype represents between 50% and 80% of the total.
Acantholytic differentiated squamous celular carcinoma. Neoplasm that originates from abnormal proliferation of keratinocytes in the spinous layer of the epidermis. Clinically it presents as a painless, hard, erythematous crusted, keratotic papule or plaque.
Nodular chindrodermatitis of the hélix. Benign inflammatory pathology that affects the skin and auricular cartilage. The etiopathogenesis is unknown, although it has been related to repeated trauma to the cartilage.
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IV. Yélamos O, Dalmau J, Puig L. Condrodermatitis nodularis helicis tratada con éxito con nitroglicerina al 2% en gel. Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2013;104:531-532.
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